Teyaar - Simply Sell & Bu

Seller FAQ

Sellers frequently asked questions (seller's FAQ)


Who has the right to sell through Teyaar Website

Any product, manufacturer, investor, trader, or any person who has products or services to which they operate and who has the necessary license and legal authorization can use Teyaar to display, promote, sell and market its products and services.

What are the reasons why Teyaar prefers to market, promote and sell products and services?

Teyaar is an interactive, digital and interactive digital platform and online marketplace, and is poised to be one of the most trusted e-commerce platforms for selling, marketing and promotion in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. In the near future.

 In which countries does Teyaar provide its services?

Teyaar offers its services in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

How can I add my products to Teyaar?

Consent After registering at TAYAR website and accessing your account, after obtaining the necessary approvals, you can list your products and services and display them on the website.

Can I list any product on Teyaar?

Please refer to the seller's terms and conditions before listing your products.

How can I open a reseller account?

You can register on the site by clicking on "Start Selling". Before you start to register as a "Seller", make sure that the following information is available:

  • Business name, address and contact information.
  • Address and bank account details.
  • Commercial license and mobile number in force.

Can I close my seller account?

Yes, you can close your account as a "seller" at any time with the help of our support team. However, we recommend that you always pause the account instead of the final closure by choosing to remove all of your product listings.

How much does it cost to list products on Teyaar?

Different packages and packages are available for listing your products.

How many products should be added to the site to allow me to start my activity as a "seller"?

At least one product is required to start selling.

Who determines the price of the product?

The price of the product is determined by the seller.

Can I manage my seller account?

Yes, you can manage all aspects of your Seller account such as sales account, product information, store updates, order management and payment management. You can contact our support team for assistance in adding and updating inventory.

How do I know if I have a sale?

An order you will be notified by email, message or notice on the website when you receive an order.

Can I sell low price products on the website stream?

Customers like to buy products at low prices on Teyaar.


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