Teyaar - Simply Sell & Bu

Brand and Copyright Owners

Teyaar.com completely prohibits and prohibits the inclusion, sale, publication and use of unauthorized, counterfeit or copyrighted content that is inconsistent with the terms and conditions of theSite. We therefore take action against vendors who violate intellectual property rights.

     Trademark and copyright owners
Protecting intellectual property rights is of great interest to Tiar.com, so if you find any products. Are prohibited or violate the rights of others. Report immediately to our legal team and provide the following detailed information:

•    Product Description 
•    The web page link of the breached, violated/ counterfeited product. 
•    The web page link of the original product description can be seen
•    Address, phone number and email address
•    The digital or physical signature of the person authorized to act as the owner of this right.
•    A statement issued by you with an accurate authorization authorizing you to act as a copyright owner or on behalf of the person. 

Teyaar Seller

Teyaar Mobile Site and Application is a digital interface that is a giant and reliable online store that seeks local and international competition and appreciates the need for its customers to get original and exclusive products.Therefore, we guarantee that the products listed or added to this site are genuine and do not infringe any copyrighted content.

Merchants are strictly prohibited from listing, selling, counterfeiting, reproducing and promoting illegal counterfeit products on the platform. If products that infringe intellectual property rights are listed on the site, they will be removed along with legal action against the vendor who infringes those rights.

When a seller adds or manages products and publishes content, that content, including product images, remains archived even after the sale is completed. Therefore, if you find that other sellers have violated your content, we ask that you notify our legal team about this matter to take action as soon as possible.


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